Working simply to help your horse feel better.

Our services.

  • Myofascial Exam and Treatment

    Dr. Glenn-Blea will start by performing a complete myofascial exam. The myofascia is the soft tissue that lies under the skin and comprises fascial planes that lie over and between the muscles, nerves, tendons and ligaments in the horse’s body. It is often overlooked in traditional exams. Dr. Glenn-Blea will examine your entire horse to identify areas of concern and combine this information with a thorough history, your horse’s movement, and training goals to formulate a plan for treatment which can include acupuncture, massage or physical therapy exercises. It underscores the benefit of a wholistic approach which rather than zeroing in on one problem, takes the entire horse into account. Dr. Glenn-Blea will prioritize your horse’s issues but address them all.

    With every exam, there will be a detailed examination sheet including acupuncture diagnostic and treatment diagrams to sum up exactly what Dr. Glenn-Blea found and how she treated your horse on that particular day. These provide wonderful records of your horse’s progress and assist trainers to be aware of your horse’s vulnerabilities, so as to prevent injuries. This extensive exam, is usually done only once at the start of ideally what consists of 3-5 acupuncture treatments several days apart.

    Price Range: $50-100

  • Acupuncture

    As stated on the first page of this web site, acupuncture is a way to neuromodulate the horse’s immune system. Dr. Glenn-Blea will access the nerves and surrounding soft tissue through acupuncture points. Acupuncture points are not just random points - they anatomically correspond with the horse’s anatomy to guide the practitioner to the best location to address your horse’s issues and treat them.

    The indications for acupuncture are almost endless! From just making an older horse more comfortable hopefully adding longevity, to prepping a performance horse before a show to do its best by reducing overall inflammation and pain, acupuncture can be layered alongside your routine veterinary care safely and simply. It can often lengthen the time between intra-articular joint injections and is often a good alternative for horses who are refractory to that treatment. It is excellent to address back and neck pain, which is a common cause of poor performance. Often prone to kicks, falls or other trauma, acupuncture can successfully treat horses whose peripheral nerves have been injured. Anxious horses who are prone to ulcers can also benefit from acupuncture treatment.

    Price Range: $125-175

  • Electroacupuncture

    The addition of an electroacupuncture unit and leads to acupuncture needles will intensify and lengthen the effectiveness of the areas treated. This treatment is usually reserved for the second or third treatments in a series. Ideally, most horses benefit by 3-5 treatments of acupuncture but that is highly dependent on each horse and condition being treated. Electroacupuncture is used for specific horses and based on their tolerance and needs.

    Price: +$55-75

  • Physical Therapy and Photobiomodulation (Laser Acupuncture)

    Physical therapy, just as with humans, is pivotal to identify areas of weakness that need to be strengthened which could lead to overcompensation and lameness. It is also used to address areas of injury and to help aid in the safe recovery of such injury. Whether your horse is injured or just needs to be evaluated for areas of weakness, Dr. Glenn-Blea will create an individual physical therapy plan to promote a safe path for increased strength and fitness. This could involve the use of various levels of stability pads to challenge overall postural stability and core strength, specific exercises to be implemented several times a week, as well as laser acupucture to increase circulation and decrease inflammation as mentioned below.

    Photobiomodulation via laser acupuncture is designed to cause physiologic changes at the cellular level. It often is used to reduce inflammation and is a very good option for horses who will not tolerate acupuncture needles (which are very few) or areas that are too risky for needle penetration. It is also used in conjunction with a physical therapy plan to help rehabilitate the injured horse.

    Physical Therapy Evaluation: $75

    Photobiomodulation: $35-$75

    Stability Pad Session: $50

  • Saddle Fitting

    Dr. Glenn-Blea is happy to check that your saddle is fitting you horse properly. A horse’s body tone and shape can change over its lifetime, so it is always prudent to check that your saddle is fitting correctly and not causing pain or decreased range of motion.

    Price: $ 50

  • Equine Acupuncture Clinics

    Multi-horse clinic pricing is available. Contact us for details.